ABC Green Home Launches New 1A & 1B Homes
The ABC Green Home project officially launches its new 1A and 1B Net Zero LEED homes in Santa Ana, CA
The ABC Green Home Project broke ground on another Net Zero LEED project this week. The project principals, which include Peninsula Publishing, Habitat for Humanity Orange County, Southern California Edison, and BCA Development gathered at the project job site in Santa Ana, Calif. to formally launch the next two homes in the series.

The original project funded by Southern California Edison at the Great Park has now been deconstructed and the site restored to grass. The materials from the original project are currently being recycled into two new Net Zero, three bed and two bath single family homes by BCA Development (who built the original home) alongside Habitat For Humanity OC. Together the ABC Green Home team will build these two new Net Zero, LEED homes, designated 1A and 1B, and will be given to U.S. military veteran families.
The ABC Green Home project is a Peninsula Publishing development, designed to showcase best practices in American homebuilding design, technology, and construction. ABC stands for “Affordable, Buildable, and Certified” Green.
“Any builder can achieve the same Net Zero results by building these homes on any lot in America,” said Nick Slevin, publisher for Peninsula Publishing and the project manager for ABC Green Home. Slevin teamed up with Southern California Edison in 2012 to jointly develop the original ABC Green Home project in the series. The first home, designed by Manny Gonzalez from The KTGY Group Architects, went on to win the Gold Nugget Award and the SoCal Award for Green Home Design Excellence.
“These homes are designed to be built in neighborhoods or as stand alone, well-optioned custom homes,” Slevin explained. The homes all use sustainable, energy-efficient building materials sourced from Peninsula Publishing’s Green Home Builder magazine and Builder and Developer magazine’s advertisers; one of these contributors includes PetersenDean, who provided the solar packages and roofing installation for the ABC Green Home project. “We are very proud that over 100 manufacturers and suppliers have participated to date in these high performance American Homes,” continued Slevin.

Net Zero Energy means that over the course of a year, the homes generate more energy than they require, making their energy consumption “net zero.” The ABC Green Home project is supported by development partner The Southern California Edison Company and the presenting sponsor The Southern California Gas Company; these two companies provide a dual fuel approach to Net Zero in conjunction with energy consultants DNV and Energy Inspectors, who optimized the design of the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in the homes for best performance.
MEP Engineering is provided by Gouvis Engineering, and works with each respective architect on each home in the project; this includes Chuck Good-Man, president of iPda Productions and John Danielian from Danielian Associates. Interior designer Carrie Peltzer from Venture One Interiors designs each home’s unique interior while Joe King from Ripple produces the virtual tours of the homes.
Check out a virtual tour here:
“We have a very strong team of design professionals who work together to ensure the homes operate seamlessly,” says Slevin. “To demonstrate that any home can be a Net Zero home, we reinterpreted some of the best loved architecture over the years. [This includes] the original Craftsman cottage (ABC Green Homes 1.0), a popular Mediterranean home theme built around a central courtyard (ABC Green Home 2.0), and the next project in the series, an Eichler-like cluster of three homes in Fullerton, Calif., which relies on fenestration to make the architecture really pop.”

The ABC Green Homes are built by BCA Development and Habitat For Humanity, who work with volunteers as well as specialty trade contractors to achieve the project’s goals of affordable, buildable, and certifiably green home building to Net Zero standards.
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